TCK's (Third Culture Kids) like to joke about how weird they are. Here are a few laughs that I've heard and some that I've added.

A VERY common TCK fear.
When I was young my parents moved around a lot..........but I always found them!

You know you are a TCK when.............

....half your year group or class leave the country at the end of the term can speak in 2 or more languages and can't spell properly in any of them run out of pages before your passport expires think passports are a basic form of ID that every kid has don't really understand the latest film craze in your 'home' country, but you can understand films in more than one language have eaten insects, parts of amphibians, or something just plain unheard of and you think it's not unusual

....the clothes you wear changes with the country you are in

....people ask you 'where are you from' and you don't know how to respond never just have a 'cold'; if you are sick its always something very unusual to your family back 'home' , or just plain disgusting- WORMS! :) have played strange versions of games like 'ebola tag' are excited about getting something like deodorant or a suitcase for Christmas
     (you are also probably the only person upset because robbers stole that deodorant-True Story!) don't think that not seeing your world wide friends in a year or two is that long

....your friends or family write with predicaments like, 'I don't know what I'll do for my birthday!!' and you can't relate very much because you are dealing with life and death problems can tell people all sorts of things about certain countries, and none of it was learned in a geography book

....people think that just because of the location or name of the country you live in that you stay out in the middle of plains and grass huts, and have outlandish, exotic pets

....when you go back your 'home' country, you think that people behave a little strangely; "We're at their house....shouldn't the kids drop the video games and at least acknowledge us, maybe play too?"

....the climate in your 'home' country is either way too hot or way too cold than what you are used to

If you are a TCK reading this, be sure to comment more!!!



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