If you are like me, you have to be rather good at getting to know complete strangers. In my latest blog, I listed 10 things you should never say/do to an MK. This post counts for anyone.

#1  The person's name

   Just walk up, put on your best smile, and say, "Hi, what's your name? Mine is <insert>" This is the icebreaker. Just by appearing friendly and approachable, you are opening doors.

#2  Play it by ear

BE PREPARED TO LISTEN. This is one of the most important things you must remember. Try this. Go to a gathering, or somewhere where there are a lot of people you don't know. Single out someone who looks lonely, and then let them talk to you for twenty-minutes without saying anything.

#3 Life Story

Ask them about their life story. This can actually be pretty interesting. HOWEVER be prepared to be there for awhile. Not all stories are short, you know.

#4  Be Interested

Ask questions. Laugh at the little things. Make them feel at home. This is the basic 'Do to Others What you Would have Them do to You.'  

#5 Don't Judge Anything

Whether it's their physical appearance, the way they talk, or just ANYTHING, don't judge. Look beyond the physical appearance. 1 Samuel 16:7b says The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart 



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