Tic-Toc AWOL

   (For those of you who don't know, AWOL stands for Absent WithOut Leave)

When I first woke up yesterday morning the first thing I heard was my father and two brothers talking outside my window. Their words started me out of bed. "He's gone. Go inform the seminary guard."  .....this could mean several things.

  1. One of my brothers had run away.  ...no
  2. Our night guard was missing.   ...it's morning; he's our night guard. He's usually gone by now.
  3. Something had happened I wasn't informed of.   .....VERY possible.....
  4. OR our crocodile had escaped.   ...bingo

  Yes, we have a crocodile. His name is Tic-Toc, he is approximately 4 feet long, and weighs about 16 pounds. We were crocy-sitting him for another missionary family who were on furlough in the US. He loves fish and shrimp (but if it is raw fish, will turn up his nose) and eats three times a week while other captive crocs are feed once or twice. 

 I stumbled out of bed to meet my mom in the living-room on the phone with the director of the zoological seminary asking if he could come and help us find our 'runaway reptile'.

What a way to start the week!!! We scoured up and down the north seminary wall, in our backyard, our neighbors backyard, the dump next to our house, and did this over and over; we got hot and sweaty, had several chigger bites, and smelled like the dump we had searched. We kept on until our house-help Florence found him under the kitchen window, hiding beneath the concrete slab used as the lid for our water meter.

 After a dramatic chase Mr. Nono, the zoological director, captured him.

At the end of this video, we all jump back on the porch screaming because Tic-Toc jumps at the porch!
No one was harmed in the capturing of Tic-Toc.

In the end we sent him back to the missionaries house to await their return.
Our mom had said we couldn't have any more pets until Tic-Toc left, so today, my siblings came up with this list of new pets:

Royal Python, Sand Snake, Scorpion, White Mouse, Rabbit, Chameleon, Love Birds, and a few more.
....life may get very interesting around here.... :P


  1. Phew, that was probably quite a scare! I would have worried that he crawled into the house! :O ;)

    Thanks for sharing, that was a very interesting post! :)


    1. Thanks Caitlin! The people who were most scared were the students and workers on campus, so it was a campus wide scare!
      I don't think anyone thought about him being in the house... maybe because no one wanted him in the house..... :P


  2. I loved the term "crocy-sitting". Very informative. I, for one, am thrilled that Tic-Toc has gone home. Thank heavens.

    1. You will be pleased, then, to know that the new addition to our family, Cuddles the rabbit, arrives the 24, and she doesn't bite!
      Love and miss you, GranAnnie!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I sent Robert & Carol the link so they could read about Tic-Toc's departure. They were very concerned when I told them about an African Crocodile in your backyard! They read it and commented that you were a good writer! :) Miss you so much.


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