
The reason I created this blog is because I love to write. I love to write about daily occurrences, my thoughts, what I do with my friends, and basically everything that goes on in my life.

  As a young girl growing up overseas, I have had lots of incidents that a lot of people will never deal with.
For instance, we have two faucets in our kitchen sink. One is "dirty water"; the other is "clean water." People from the U.S. are a bit startled by this.  Recently my grandmother was visiting from the States for the first time; she was staying in a separate apartment for the night. I was getting ready for bed when it hit me. GranAnnie was going to use "dirty water" to brush her teeth. The last time I had attempted this, I had become violently ill during the night, and overcome by nausea. My little brother and I shot across the seminary campus we live on to the housing section and furiously banged on the door. GranAnnie was unpacking and reaching for her tooth brush. We stopped her just in the nick of time and gave her some bottled water with all the necessary instructions to survive this in foreign environment she was touring.

  Another matter that Suburbanites do not understand is that our house has no air conditioning. At times it gets up to 95.5 degrees F. and higher. In our kitchen when I bake, with the oven on it heats up to over 115 degrees F. I have constant perspiration, my family goes through deodorant faster than we go through homeschooling materials, and my brother refuses to wear anything that has even the lowest amount of polyester. My hands get extremely moist and the spatula will become slippery after only a few seconds in my sweaty grasp as I stir concoctions on our ancient, yet functioning, gas stove.

The upside of all this is getting to meet the amazing people that my mother and father minister to for the furtherance of God's kingdom.



  1. Maryann,
    I'm so glad you started a blog! I can't wait to read everything that you post on here. :)

  2. GranAnnie says- We finished reading about your camping trip; I always loved camping. So glad you had a great time!

    Thanks Caitlin! ~Maryann


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