I'm Back....

   It is coming up on 2 years since I last posted on my blog. I won't bore you with excuses, explanations, or extra fluff. Needless to say, I'm back. Hopefully.

   We are currently in Texas and will return to West Africa in a week! The Lord blessed us with medical clearance, VISAs, and airplane tickets. There was a direct flight that we wanted to take, but it was cancelled at the last minute. Now we will be in transit for (approximately) 30 hours... it's good for us, right? It builds our survival skills!

  Many things are on the horizon: a trip to Prague (actually a return trip, but most of you don't know that),  resettling into our home, and things not even I know yet.

  The nice thing about taking a two-year break is motivation, renewed fervor, and knowing who your true readers are. To those of you who encouraged me to come back after a long, busy two years: you are my heroes, and this blog is dedicated to you.

National Museum of the US Air Force; my family at a Reward Ceremony for the National Student Aviation Art Competition that I competed in (I won 3rd for 10th-12th grade!)


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