Rabbits, Minecraft, and Apple iPhones (Life Update/Ramble)

  Life is busy, and sometimes I don't always have time to write blog posts because nothing extremely interesting is happening. I have been having a great year so far and have great expectations for everything that we are going to do as a family. Here are some little pieces of news from our household: 
  Our rabbits are healthy and thriving (not to mention grossly obese). We have eight bunnies at the moment: S'mores - the 'alpha male' of the pack, a sourpuss and softie at the core; Honey-Bunny - the mommy, a very sweet thing; Gorgon, Destroyer of Carrots (Jackson's rabbit, can't you tell?) - Gorgon is the big brother, and he is the only one who is fit and agile; Root Beer, Cinnabunn, Coconut, and Ghirardelli (like the chocolate brand) are the quadruplet babies who are all in their adolescent slump and moodiness stage. Finally, there is Cappuccino, who was a gift from another family and is to some extent an outcast among the bunny family.  We recently had one addition, Obsidian, who did not make it, but she has gone on to 'The Happy Hunting Grounds.'  The rest are all fat and sassy, as Dad says.




Gorgon, Destroyer of Carrots

   I ordered an Apple iPhone 5c in January and received it this April when a visiting team arrived from the States. I was so excited when it finally got here! Tristan thought it was funny that I am the only person in the family that has ever owned an Apple iPhone, the only child in our family to ever own a phone period for that matter (I will note here that I bought it with my own hard-earned allowance...) and said I was 'the black sheep.' I didn't care, I was too busy taking over our WiFi (mwahahaha). 😈😏 But now I have to think of something else to save up for; and I'm stumped.

   Christianna and I now do ballet lessons twice a week with some other Togolese and ex-patriot girls here. I have taken ballet classes before, but this is something else! Our teacher is 89 years old and we just love her to death. 

   For Easter Mom and we kids went to the nicest hotel in the city and ate at the buffet. What most impressed me (besides the food) was the kid playing area. It was carpeted and there were plush throw pillows all over the floor, which was perfectly clean. They even had a TV that played Moana (which I have seen; it's a really cute movie). We had an excellent time this Easter and later took Dad to the same hotel (but to the grill instead) as a welcome back, belated Easter present. 

Aidan is not pleased with my selfie skills 😉
Tristan and his... thirds?
" 'ake a 'icture a'eddy!" (Take the picture already!)
Christianna is too busy eating chocolate mousse to smile!

  Tristan and I have started playing Minecraft on internet servers (basically you play on the internet through Minecraft on your computer). Our all-time favorite at the moment is Bedwars, a prototype game on a server called Hypixel. Every day we play our thirty minutes in our rooms with shouts of, "Victory!", "Fireballs away!" and, "What?! NO!"  (we are very expressive/aggressive Minecraft players 😂).

 We also graduated to Galop 4 (level 4) in our horse riding test last month. It was difficult, but we both passed. I was so nervous afterwards that my hands were shaking!

  We don't really have much planned for May in my knowledge and hopefully that means I will have more blogging time.  Summer break is coming (finally) and our whole family is looking forward to the jammed weeks that are approaching. We have at least two trips out of country planned for the near future and my ballet recital on June 3 (I may or may not blog about it, depending how hard I fall on my face). Our schedules have a way of writing themselves without warning a few days in advance, but I will try and keep you guys posted with everything fun that happens!


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