DAY 4: Nitty-Gritty Detail...

   Another bright and early day, another up and at it atmosphere, all with one black cloud on the horizon. Well, I wouldn't call it a cloud; I would say more of a challenge, an adventure, and an inconvenience all tied into one. It's like the experience when you first climb to the top of a lake zip-line - it takes your breathe away as you step off the edge, but you love the thrill as you let go and crash into the water. Our challenge was something like that.

    Mommy told me at 6 o'clock in the morning that she had devised a plan to fight our clogged drainage system. This plan involved trowels, digging cat holes, and chamber pots (isn't that wonderful morning conversation? Just what you need to hear right when you get up). I was not too thrilled about the cat holes. Tristan and Aidan dove head first into the necessary arrangements; Tristan in particular delighted in parading his chamber pot around the house before taking it outside (I got MAD when he did that, too). Mom and Dad quickly nipped this behavior in the bud. Other than that, Wednesday morning began as every other morning had so far.  

Aidan didn't bring enough clothes, so he washed them as a pastime. Since he doesn't ever do this, he liked it.

  After Mom and I arrived the gazebo, Mom remembered something so I had an invigorating run back. It felt really good! Now I only blew my raw nose occasionally and had a cough that was heavy with phlegm .  After fetching the book, I was out of breath because I had overdone it, so I walked back to the Student's Housing. 

A view of our 'camp' from Student Housing: right by the Flamboyant tree.

The women worshipping

  Mom was going through a curriculum with the women to train them as pastor's wives. Wednesday they did a skit of  'Mary & Martha' with Daddy, who got to be Jesus. :) 

The lady in the chair is Mary; the one standing is Martha. 
The women were very "hands-on" (which is fun!) and we did lots of skits, visual aides, and illustrations. They really loved the skits. 

Tristan's fan club, following at a safe distance of course! 

The top right corner has the temperature.

  After lunch and the afternoon meeting were over, it was Hot again.  I read for a long time and we had a few visitors.  People here in Western Africa (and many other places everywhere else) take a sieste from about 1pm to 3pm. This is the hottest time of the day and it is oppressing!  Plus humidity, which makes our life so much easier.... ;)  

  When Mom moved the table, it made such a funny noise that it sounded like Chewbacca from Star Wars! I thought it was great and that's why I took this picture. She moved the table because it was under the light, which attracted the creepy beetles. Eeek!

Moretan, the village/town off in the distance.

  Right after dinner I showered in a small tub that was placed in the bathtub so we wouldn't clog it anymore. Aidan and I were both ready for bed and were lying in our tents when suddenly Aidan looked at me, I looked at Aidan, and we both knew that we weren't dreaming. There was a HUGE storm 30 feet away from us that was howling; it was raining on that side but not where we were lying. The wind was incredible! 

 After leaping up and literally dragging all of our stuff through the door, the storm moved over with perfect timing and unleashed itself on the house. To me, one of the most relaxing ways to fall asleep is with rain pounding on the tin roof. It's magical! And that's how I fell asleep. 


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