Interesting (and Hysterical) Cultural Differences

This morning and many days before it, we have seen first hand some fascinating (and embarrassing) cultural differences between us and the West Africans. These are simply cultural differences. We are all God's children with simply different practices that some find stranger than others. Take these few:

1. Tristan's Most Embarrassing Moment

Tristan is a bit of a hugger, but not a kisser. A newly wed couple was visiting us, and after we spoke for awhile, they went around hugging us in thanks. When the bride got to Tristan, she not only hugged him, but kissed his cheek! His face was so red as soon as they left we died laughing, and said, "Tristan you're blushing!" Tristan never blushes. :) But he laughed it off.  Because of the French influence, people here will kiss on the cheek as the French do. This is more of a European custom rubbed off on the ethnic people here.

2. Dad's Most Awkward and Uncomfortable Moment

 When Dad visited Nigeria, he was walking down the road with a brother in Christ. He knew him very well, but all of a sudden, the man reached down and took hold of his hand. Dad said later, "It felt like my whole arm was just going to fall right off. It was so awkward."  Men here will show fraternal love by holding hands as they walk. This is a very African custom, and not at all strange.

3. Christianna's Breezy 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do' Moment

 When Christianna plays with the children, she will sometimes eat at their house. In West Africa, people eat with their hands. Christianna joins right in. Before we came back to the States for furlough, we were eating mashed potatoes , and Christianna stuck her hand right in the middle of them and started eating!

4. My Strange Moments and Constant Barriers

Here, girls my age can get away with wearing shorts. BUT, I am very tall, and most of them think I am sixteen. So if I am seen in shorts in public I get lots of stares. And since I so tall, most girls my age are intimidated by me, and mainly think I am older than them anyway! This makes it hard to be friends with ethnic girls my age here.

5. Mom's Fashion Error

 Once a young man outfitted our family in matching African panya. Mom had a beautiful shirt, and skirt with a long ruffle going down the side. In the west of the States where Mom grew up, most ruffles are worn in the back. So as we paraded into church like a bunch of tropical birds, Ettiene, the young man, came up to greet us, and inform Mom that her skirt was on backwards!

6. Aidan's 'Wait, what?' Eating Moment

We were being served at a buffet once, and Aidan ordered tea. A lady was making the tea, pouring the water and putting the Lipton tea bag in the cup (if you order tea in Africa, you always get Lipton). Once she was finished pouring the water in, she pulled out a can of evaporated milk. Opening it carefully, she proceeded to dump the entire contents of the can into Aidan's tea. Aidan was speechless except for, "Wait, what?!"   African's here simply like a lot of milk with their tea. It's their preference.

Despite the fact that we are different in some ways, we love Africa! Thanks to everyone who made us feel comfortable and helped us fit in.


  1. Haha, funny and fascinating post, Maryann! I love hearing about your experiences there in Africa. :)

  2. Thanks, Caitlin! I'm glad you loved reading it. :)

  3. Love reading about your international life. Missing you bunches.


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