
Showing posts from October, 2015


         If you are like me, you have to be rather good at getting to know complete strangers. In my latest blog, I listed 10 things you should never say/do to an MK. This post counts for anyone. #1  The person's name    Just walk up, put on your best smile, and say, "Hi, what's your name? Mine is <insert>" This is the icebreaker. Just by appearing friendly and approachable, you are opening doors. #2  Play it by ear BE PREPARED TO LISTEN.  This is one of the most important things you must remember. Try this. Go to a gathering, or somewhere where there are a lot of people you don't know. Single out someone who looks lonely, and then let them talk to you for twenty-minutes without saying anything. #3 Life Story Ask them about their life story. This can actually be pretty interesting. HOWEVER be prepared to be there for awhile. Not all stories are short, you know. #4  Be Interested Ask questions. Laugh at the little t

10 things you should NEVER say/do to an MK

   When MKs go to events (usually church gatherings or mission events at churches) they commonly have at least one, maybe some or even all of the actions listed below. NEVER do the following ! :   Put them in the spotlight, make them stand in front of kids their age or everyone, and talk about 'how awesome they are!' .....   Unless you have their permission to talk about their ministry (or whatever) NEVER do this. In fact, ask them if they would like to introduce themselves and let them do the talking. If they refuse, drop it. They are a regular person, with normal fears, and are not superstars.      2.   "I mean, you are, like, so cool. I mean, living overseas! How awesome. I wish, like, I were                you."  Over-praise and over-exaggeration makes anyone nervous and ill at ease. And just so you know, life overseas is not always so awesome. We have political trouble, personal trouble, and the problems of other people to deal with. Just make it

Auberge des Lac

Aidan at the very stern, me in the hat, Ms. Polly, the Irelands, Tristan, Charlie, Naomie, Mrs.Amy Hetletvedt, Mrs. Liz, Mr. Gad, Greta covered by the boatman, and Mr. Andrew Hetletvedt. (from left to right)   As the canoe pushed off, Ms. Polly to my right remarked how rickety the boom on the sail was. I wasn't worried (till it fell off). We were going to have fun! About a 45 minute ride across the lake to tour the small cathedral was my kind of weekend getaway! It was Sunday morning and after Church our International Bible Study was going on a fun lake outing. We would run around, eat lunch, then the brave and the bold would take a boat across the lake to visit the ultra-mini cathedral. Before church                                                                                                     We had a little trouble finding our way there since there were 4 other Auberges, and 3 other Lacs (Auberge is the equivalent of an inn, and Lac is lake). Ms.

Horseback Riding in HOT & HUMID Weather

I love you so much, Samurai!!* Thud .    I had to do it; I pushed forward clicking and tapping Samurai on his rump with my crop. He sped up. I raised myself to jumping position: AT THE LAST MINUTE, he swerved, heading to the right at full speed to his Arch Enemy, Volt, who my little brother was astride. Volt half reared, Samurai swerved, and I yanked the reins hard to avoid conflict, falling over Samurai's head and grabbing his mane for dear life!!!!   At the beginning of the video you can't see me, but you hear my instructor, Monsieur Arnou and my brother are yelling," Stay away from VOOOOOOOOOLT....!!" and my mother is talking with her best British accent. :) Tristan & his trusty steed, Lucky Luke.   We take riding lessons at an Equestrian Center (courtesy of GranAnnie, Thank you so much!) Today our lesson focused on jumping! Fun.  No really! ...As long as you don't fall off..... (which we have done...ow) Aidan and Volt It i