
Showing posts from September, 2015

Cuddles & Shnuggles

Say hello to the new additions to our family!! Shnuggles on the left, Cuddles on the right. Cuddles is mine, and Shnuggles is my little sister's. (my mother commented with wide eyes when she saw the above picture, "THAT is the perfect picture. They look so tame! Just the opposite of a crocodile.") Cuddles is I-don't-know-how-old, weighs next to nothing, is very calm, easy to hold and carry, and loves (so far) nothing better than fresh clover blossoms. :) Shnuggles is also I-don't-know-how-old, weighs next to nothing, does not (much) like being  picked up, eats just about everything, and loves my sister's bed's quilt.... Thank you everyone for worrying about our crocodile! But those days are gone and cuddly, shnuggly rabbits have taken their place. (And don't worry. They don't bite. But they haven't had their shots yet... :)  )

Tic-Toc AWOL

   (For those of you who don't know, AWOL stands for Absent WithOut Leave) When I first woke up yesterday morning the first thing I heard was my father and two brothers talking outside my window. Their words started me out of bed. "He's gone. Go inform the seminary guard."  .....this could mean several things. One of my brothers had run away. Our night guard was missing.'s morning; he's our night guard. He's usually gone by now. Something had happened I wasn't informed of.   .....VERY possible..... OR our crocodile had escaped.   Yes, we have a crocodile. His name is Tic-Toc, he is approximately 4 feet long, and weighs about 16 pounds. We were crocy-sitting him for another missionary family who were on furlough in the US. He loves fish and shrimp (but if it is raw fish, will turn up his nose) and eats three times a week while other captive crocs are feed once or twice.   I stumbled out of bed to meet

Honor With Me 9-11

This Blog is Family Friendly and has no disturbing images or photographs. Today is 9-11, the day when America was attacked by the terrorist Al Qaeda, facing the most severe terrorist attack on them at that time.  The attacks resulted in the deaths of over 2,996 people. 246 of these were from 4 planes of which there were no survivors. Also 72 law enforcement officers, 55 military personnel and 343 firefighters lost their lives.                                                                                                                                                                                         Honor with me the heroes of 9.11 who gave their lives for God, fellow men, and freedom. Pray for the families of those who lost brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, and friends.                              Remember. Don't forget. And thank God that He has protected us from anything el