
Showing posts from April, 2016

DAY 3: Oh no!

We learned that this tree's actual name is 'a Flamboyant Tree.'   When we all woke up Tuesday morning it was slightly cool and we were all hungry. Oatmeal and bread was in order! However, when Mom got out the whole-grain bread (what Daddy calls "Two-by-four's") it had mold all over it. I was immediately repulsed and refused to eat the bread. Unfazed, Mom sliced off all the crusts and served it that way (Daddy liked it better without than with the crust; he said you could actually choke it down that way). Aidan playing 'taps' for Daddy Daddy woke up with a splitting headache, due to the fact that he had slept in his tent without a pillow. Ouch! THE BREAD! Our breakfast party Breakfast was fun; Christianna didn't want her orange juice so I got to drink two cups of it! (wonder of wonders). Daddy was still recovering and didn't join us.  During breakfast Mme. Louise and I both expressed the sentiment that i

DAY 2: Boosted Moral

  Sunday night, I saw two shooting stars and stayed awake from 2:30 to 4:30 because I couldn't breathe out of my nose.  Then, low and behold, at 5:30am, Aidan dragged his feet noisily up the sidewalk and banged on the door of the mobile home. I sat up and said, "Aidan, what in the world are you doing?!" and if you've seen Frozen, I looked like Anna when she woke up on her sister's coronation day; halitosis and all.  Once he had apologized for waking me and explained that we were locked out, I made him go back to bed. At six, the rest of the world woke up and Aidan barged into the bathroom.   Yesterday's blog may have seemed like a monotone, and I do have a good excuse; I was NOT feeling well then (Aidan actually made up a song about it) and that is how I remember that day. Monday I was feeling better, though my nose was my worst enemy.  Breakfast! Christianna being strange and eating Ramen noodles for breakfast... even I  think that's weird.

DAY 1: Sickness, Shadow Puppets, and Stars

    "If I can just make it to the pastor training school, I can puke in the toilet, lie down, and everyone can let me die quietly." This may sound highly cynical and rather harsh, but riding down a dirt strip that hardly deserves to be called 'a road' with a fever and intense nausea is no picnic. I mean, really. We must have hit every bump and pothole imaginable; and the ones we didn't hit, we swerved sharply away from, making my stomach churn and the pressure in my head explode with fresh violence. My back was not only in an uncomfortable position, but with every pothole, it was jared achily.  MISERABLE!   But enough complaining (there will be more, anyway....). Remember my blog about our ' True Bush Livin' ? This is the story of our return trip. Only this time, we stayed a whole week. And the drainage system backed up completely so we couldn't flush toilets or do dishes, til we finally pulled out what was clogging it (aha! got you interested).