
Showing posts from January, 2016

True Bush Livin' : 36 Hrs of Observing Village Life

  CRUNCH - BUMP!  Mom and I clapped and cheered from the back as our chauffeur, Marcellin, navigated the treacherous dirt roads.  We were in our tightly packed van and though no one had leg room the air was on full blast and no one was hot - yet. We were on our way to a village with a pastors' school that my dad was going to teach at and that my mom was going to do women's ministry at. Evangelist Samuel and Pasteur Edouard were also going with us.  A view of our car Skip back: early Sunday morning, everyone in our family got up early and scrambled around in pajamas to finish last minute tasks. Then our team mates arrived.    M. Samuel, le evangelist :) M. Marcellin, le chauffeur  Aidan and I were the photographers; Mom wanted someone else to take pictures so that I would be in some of them, which is funny because Aidan's camera ran out of battery power right after we got settled it. Photographer #1 You will notice I am wear