
Showing posts from November, 2019

The ULTIMATE December Christmas Movie Watchlist

   Over the last decade or so, our family has watched a lot of Christmas movies. We know the classics and the ones certain family members can watch without feeling sick. This year, I decided to take it a step further. Here is a compilation of our ultimate Christmas movie wish-list; it gets to be our watch-list! Some of these movies we have seen dozens of times. Others were recommended to us. (You'll also notice we have a thing for the Muppets).    I patterned the list to capitalize on variety. We have our 'Funny Friday' with the Santa Clause movies, and our 'Serious Sundays' with more meaningful movies, usually Christmas Carol themed.         We are especially excited to watch the new Grinch release because of Benedict Cumberbatch. Fridays in our house are Sherlock Fridays and we left off on a cliff hanger! You would not believe the patience this is going to take.  For all you How It Should Have Ended  and Benedict Cumberbatch fans...

European Adventures - Part Two

Have you heard of the Feast of Booths? It is a Biblical Jewish holiday celebrated between October 13th and October 20th. As you may have already guessed, the 15th was the very day we quite unknowingly chose to visit the famous Jewish Quarter in Prague. Even though most of the attractions were closed, that didn't stop Tristan and I from walking around and enjoying the gorgeous old buildings in the area. It's a door, Savannah!  ( Inside joke)   Since the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague was nearby, I decided that today was as good a day as any to visit. It was spectacular.  Since the museum itself is housed in a Neo-Renaissance edifice, the building and interior were almost distracting from the exhibits in each room. A stained glass window in the hall The ceiling in one of the rooms   The museum had several rooms housing glass-work from many Czech artists. Bohemian glass is famous, but I was especially fascin