
Showing posts from October, 2019

European Adventures - Part One

  Just so you know, the perfect place to break down is in Germany on a sunny autumn day when the leaves have just blushed red and orange, the weather is about 55 degrees Fahrenheit, and there is a lovely field by the side of the road edged with trees. Even more ideal, pack an abundant picnic lunch beforehand and bring plenty of good books, comfy coats, and great friends. Sounds unreal, right? This was our exact predicament, if you can call it that, last week on Tuesday, October 22. A view from our lodgings in Lofer, Austria   Tristan and I have returned home after the experience of a lifetime. We spent two weeks in Europe and visited the Czech Republic, Austria, and Germany. Every moment was an adventure and every moment of hard work that I put in at Chick-fil-A to afford it was absolutely worth it!   The very first part of our trip began as soon as we landed in Prague. The Kinsky Palace was holding an exhibition of French Impressionists from the Ordrupgaard Collection in C