
Showing posts from September, 2017

My Thought Process: Learning Through MineCraft Parkour and SnapChat

   Minecraft Parkour is my new video game pursuit; basically you jump really high, really far, as fast as you can. There's more to it, but that's the general idea. I can say in all fairness I am terrible at it. Every afternoon when I cash in my thirty minutes of Video Game Time, I sit or stand and hop around on the same sequence of blocks until my fingers ache and my hand is sore. I spent an entire turn doing one jump a couple hundred times (which means dying a couple hundred times) until my muscle memory learned to time all the variables just right. It's difficult, but fun.      I am not overly philosophical or preachy - or maybe I try not to be. However, while I sat pressing the jump button (space-bar) repeatedly, my mind wandered, and I began to think about making mistakes in real life as compared to Minecraft Parkour. The exceedingly used (though true) sayings about trying again, getting up when you fall, and learning through your mistakes all came to mind. I am