
Showing posts from May, 2017

Beauty and the Beast 2017: My Thoughts and Comments (spoiler free)

   You know that you really want to watch a movie when you sit for five hours through all the glitches, halts, and messy internet bandwidth to view it. As soon as I heard that Disney was about to release a live-action Beauty and the Beast film, I told my family, "I have  to watch it." Now I have not only seen the movie,  I have listened to the soundtrack uncountable times and can almost list the entire leading cast from memory.  Aidan, Christianna, and I watched it online. For every five seconds that we watched of the movie, there were ten seconds of loading... loading... loading... We still enjoyed watching it, though! There were a ton of funny film stills every time it was stuck and we could voice our opinion about the plot, special effects, or acting during the pauses. I was immensely pleased with every casting decision, especially Ewan McGregor (Lumiere), Ian McKellen ( Cogsworth), Luke Evans (Gaston), and Emma Watson (Belle).   If you are expecting