
Showing posts from March, 2017

TCK Teens spending Time Together

The group, with ugly I-just-woke-up-why-are-you-taking-my-picture-Mom faces.😎   I feel as if a lot of my posts begin with car trips. It seems that every time I get excited about one of my blogs, I have to start with a road trip. This was actually a pretty fun road trip, though. It was our second car adventure with Aunt Danna and Jackson, and they always spice up our lives😊  On this escapade, we were driving up country to see another MK that lives about seven to eight hours away from us. None of us had ever met him. All we knew was that we were going to a river, eating dinner at their house, and playing X-box Kinnect. This trip was mostly for the teens. We have our original trio of Tristan, Jackson, and myself, but our family had the pleasure of bringing along Yilin (or Lin) with us. Welcome to the group, Yilin! I hope our craziness didn't scare you. πŸ˜› After we sat in the car for 8 hours, we got pretty silly.   By the end of the car trip at about 7:00 pm, we h