
Showing posts from September, 2016

Galveston - In ONE Post!

  My family's vacation really began in Senegal, but even if I did blog about it, you wouldn't get to see pictures of anyone except us. I can tell you that we had fun, met a lot of new people, and saw some old friends that we haven't seen in several years. There is one photo, however, that I CAN show you. We had a costume night and all of us got to dress up. After much debate my dad finally convinced me to dress up as Rey from Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens.  Earlier in the year, GranAnnie, my grandmother, invited my whole family to her retirement party that would go from Texas to Mexico. Never having been on a cruise ship or in Mexico, everyone in my family stayed up late for a week packing and getting everything ready. I remember the night that we first got the news; Aidan and Christianna grabbed each other and started dancing, though neither of them knew what 'Cozumel' was: all they knew was that after two years, we would be able to see GranAnnie a