
Showing posts from June, 2016

DAY 6: Games, the Prodigal Son, and Crackers (clogging secret revealed!)

  On day five, our coping mechanisms kicked in. Basically, this means that we nerded out over breakfast and said something along the lines of, "Oh, I wish that we x, then we could do x, " and so on. And for those of you who really want to know, we translated as many elf names from the Lord of the Rings trilogy that we could remember, without the Silmarillion in front of us. In my defense, I am not as nerdy as my dad. Yet. :)   (the above picture is of Tristan and the winner of a game that had over 17 rounds)   With the women Mom did something different. Because we were still (ARE still) working on their project, M. Samuel did all the teaching. Since he is an evangelist, he taught them basic evangelism. The women were very receptive. I was really embarrassed, though, because M. Samuel had asked me to hastily draw some pictures on a piece of paper for him, to help illustrate. After I was finished I felt as if I could have done better, but M. Samuel seemed very please