
Showing posts from 2016

A Serio-Comedic Trailer - Made Entirely by MK's (just for fun)

  MK's can be weird... and do weird things. The video below is no exception. The concept was entirely thought up by MK's, and must not be taken seriously. Please.  Be certain that behind every scene we were laughing ourselves silly and had a blast with every minute. But like I said, this is a complete joke. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it with a fellow missionary family. I am not going to write a witty ending to this post; the video must, and can, speak for itself. I will only say this: our family has some really morbid pastimes.

Koko's Trip to Kenya

* Acknowledgment: Thank you, Uncle Wally, for helping me fix all of my technical errors on this blog! I told Mom, "You have a really SMART brother!" Welcome to my corner of Maryann's blog - allow me introduce myself. My name is Koko.  (This is me!)   I am on a trip with the missionary family to Kenya (trust me, they are a rowdy bunch at times!). I was referred to a specialist in Kenya and was told to see a psychiatrist. ...yippee...  The trip there was uneventful for the most part (except when Tristan thought he had left me on the plane halfway across the tarmac so that the whole family ground in reverse to fetch me!). But let me begin at the beginning.  The Crowe's, good friends of ours, drove us to the airport for our trip. They are great people! We even created a WhatsApp group so that all of us could keep in touch.   Going through security in the airport was a nightmare. Mostly for me. I had been placed in a party bag for the youngest child, Ch

Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings: Why I Read Both

  My father is a Lord of the Rings nerd (and proud of it). So is my older brother, Tristan. Naturally, I had to read the series once I could pick up chapter books. It's a powerful story, and has beautiful characters and places.   But in the realm of fantasy literature, there also exists the Harry Potter series. The books are a big deal; both as controversial pieces of writing and a wonderfully put together tale. For twelve years I wasn't allowed to read them. If it wasn't for two friends that I have, my whole life would be Harry Potter free (blame Jackson). I would happily stay the LOTR geek that my family knows, and life goes on. But no, that is not what happened.   The moment I read the first page of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's  Stone , I was ensnared. And obsessed. The innocence of the child characters, and the happy realm of Hogwarts, Diagon Alley, the Ministry of Magic, and Hogsmeade was (and for me, still continues to be) captivating.